Who needs help? Does your dog?
Pull on the leash?
Counter surf?
Not come when called?
Still have accidents in the house?
Have trouble meeting strangers?
Chew on inappropriate objects?
Lunge at other dogs?
Did your dog fail obedience school?
Are you struggling to train your dog?
Are you having problems with your dog and don’t know what to do about it?
Unfortunately dogs do not come with an owners’ manual nor do they come fully trained. We must train them. Didn’t you get a dog to have fun and share activities? Using positive rewards, dogs quickly learn what is expected of them, and they become eager to perform, knowing that a treat may be involved! Combining the dog’s desire to perform with teaching in small steps, progressing at the dog’s own pace, ensures success. Training your dog becomes fun, and while you are having fun so is your dog. Gone is the need for choke chains, prong collars and the use of force in training “man’s best friend”. No more failing obedience class. No need to feel embarrassed because your dog is out of control. The frustration of the old method of training is replaced by having fun and building a relationship with your dog.

Open or CloseThe number of participants is limited to 4-6 teams per class so that each team has ample time to do all the exercises and everyone can get the individual attention they need.
Open or CloseClasses are held in a variety of locations, usually outdoors from spring to fall and under cover for the winter.